Uw Milwaukee Continuing Education Engineering Ethics



Although the "core" of the ASME Milwaukee Section is located in and around Milwaukee, our members are from Eastern Wisconsin, Madison, and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.  We are an active section and have very active student sub-sections at UW-Madison, UW-Milwaukee, Marquette University, Milwaukee School of Engineering and Michigan Tech.  To learn more about us, the programs we have had recently, our sub-sections, our leadership and how you can volunteer or provide input (amongst other things), please check out our website at:



Ken Derra
ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)



This is an online ZOOM webinar.


  • $0 for entire or partial seminar (No PDH's)
  • $60 for full seminar (includes 3 PDH's)
  • $50 for Presentation 1 Only (Includes 2 PDH's)
  • $25 for Presentation 2 Only (1 PDH)

ASME - Milwaukee Section March Educational Program and Professional Development Webinar
Session 1 - March 19, 2022

Earn up to 5 PDH Credits
Attending Full Two Session Program!!!


The ASME Milwaukee Section will be holding an educational webinar on Saturday March 19 & 26th, 2022.  Because this is online we have decided to split it up over two Saturdays this year.  Look for a separate registration link for the March 26th webinar.

This is a program put on by the ASME-Milwaukee Section for the benefit of ASME Members and their guests as well as any Professional Engineer.  The day will begin with a welcome at 9:00 am and continue with two 50 minute long presentations.  Attendees will have the opportunity to leave with a certificate for 3 continuing education PDH's for the two topics offered on March 19th that can be used for their Professional Engineer license renewal.  If you are only able to attend one or both presentations, you can register for that and get PDH's for those presentations attended.  However, you must register online on/before March 19, 2022 for the first session.

Below is the Schedule for Session 1

  • 9:00-9:05 AM Welcome by Section Chair Scott Kramer
  • 9:05-9:10 AM Introduction of Speaker by Seminar Coordinator Subha Kumpaty
  • 9:10-10:00 AM Presentation 1:Adventures in Engineering Ethics by Dr. Andrew McAninch, MSOE  (Case Studies provided for personal review/ follow-up to account for 2 PDH's)
  • 10:00-10:05 AM Bio Break
  • 10:05-10:10 AM Introduction of Speaker by Subha Kumpaty
  • 10:10-11:00 AM Presentation 2:Safety in Automated Machinery and Risk Assessments by Al Sumner, P.E., CSME�, Busse/ SJI LLC
  • 11:00-11:05 AM Vote of thanks and Adjournment


First Presentation Title : Adventures in Engineering Ethics (2 PDH's)

Description:This presentation introduces some of the central issues in engineering ethics through a guided discussion of timely case studies. Participants will explore these topics and cases interactively, studying both their theoretical context and practical implications. The goal of the course is to engage participants in continued reflection on key issues in engineering ethics and to encourage them to apply the guiding ethical principles that emerge to their own fields. Materials will be provided for further study and review if you register by March 18, 2022.

Biography:Andrew McAninch, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy in MSOE's Department of Humanities, Social Science, and Communications. Before arriving at MSOE, he was an Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania, where is also spent a year as Program Director with the Center for Ethics and the Rule of Law at the Penn Law School. He works in moral philosophy, broadly construed, and regularly teaches courses in engineering and professional ethics, biomedical ethics, ethics of digital technologies, social and political philosophy, philosophy of mind and AI, and epistemology.

Second Presentation Title : Safety in Automated Machinery and Risk Assessments  (1 PDH)

Description:  As more and more production processes become automated, safety of personnel amidst that automation must also change.  More and more focus is placed upon risk assessment, but what does that mean?  There are dozens of risk assessment methods, hundreds of industry standards, and the perception of what is "safe" is ever-changing.  This presentation attempts to shine some light into the darkness to show that engineers have always performed risk assessments – whether they realized it or not – and will highlight the current state of affairs in the safety world and where the trend appears to be heading.

Biography:  Al Sumner received his B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the Milwaukee School of Engineering in 1993, and a M.S. in Engineering from the same in 2011.  He has been licensed as a Professional Engineer in Wisconsin since 1997 and has been a certified machinery safety expert by T�V NORD since 2017.  He has worked exclusively in the automation packaging industry since 2009 with Busse/SJI LLC.


Source: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07ej213exx884d64ec&llr=hpcqvigab

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